Time used: 1 ms
Job details
  • 390 $ Special**
  • 120$/weekly
  • in offices
  • No
  • 32
  • -
  • Yes

Palace Playland ( website)

Under general supervision, students will be placed with duties related to the Arcade, Midway Games or Ride Operation. All duties include assisting guests to varying degrees. Park employees are to enforce all park policies and safety guidelines in accordance with Palace Playland's Policies and Procedures. This is a great, customer-facing position. Must possess a positive attitude, willingness to work outdoors and commit to the contract end date.



Amusement park attendants perform various duties in places such as amusement parks, gaming centers, and recreational facilities where they help to make guests’ visit a great experience. Their job description entails scheduling the use of recreation facilities, maintaining and providing equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits, or operating amusement concessions and rides. They are responsible for engaging the guests, anticipating their needs, recommending titles they might like, and assisting in resolving any problems they may encounter with tickets or equipment.



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Programul Work And Travel îți oferă posibilitatea de a-ți face muți prieteni și amintiri frumoase, de a călători, lucra și experimenta cultura americană.


Dacă răspunzi cu “DA” la următoarele criterii, ești eligibil pentru a te înscrie la Programul Work And Travel:

1) Ești student la zi, la o Universitate?
2) Cunoști Engleza la nivel de comunicare, sau vrei să o înveţi?
3) Ești sănătos? poți călatori cu avionul, ești apt de muncă?


Felicitări, hai să continuăm, apasă butonul de mai jos![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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