• Performs the set-up and tear down of all meetings, banquets and special events, indoors and outdoors, at the hotel and also provides general labor support for other hotel operations as needed. • Responsible for maintenance and cleaning of the convention facilities
A banquet assistant/server works as a member of the wait staff for food catering events and banquets. Duties include setting patron tables and buffet areas for service. During service, a Banquet Server accommodates all guests and is responsible for replenishing buffet food, refilling beverages, removing dirty dishes from tables, and assist in additional tasks to help facilitate a smooth and efficient service.
15 Jun - 15 Jun
15 Jun - 15 Jun
15 Jun - 15 Jun
15 Jun - 15 Jun
Cape Neddick
15 Jun - 15 Jun
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Programul Work And Travel îți oferă posibilitatea de a-ți face muți prieteni și amintiri frumoase, de a călători, lucra și experimenta cultura americană.
Dacă răspunzi cu “DA” la următoarele criterii, ești eligibil pentru a te înscrie la Programul Work And Travel:
1) Ești student la zi, la o Universitate?
2) Cunoști Engleza la nivel de comunicare, sau vrei să o înveţi?
3) Ești sănătos? poți călatori cu avionul, ești apt de muncă?
Felicitări, hai să continuăm, apasă butonul de mai jos![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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