Time used: 1 ms
Job details
  • 390 $ Special**
  • in the region around 99$/weekly
  • in offices
  • Yes
  • 35
  • OJL , 21 Feb, 18:59, Bucuresti
  • Yes

Johnny Rockets of Myrtle Beach ( website)

Wage varies depending on your position. Servers $2.15, Hosts $6.55+%1 tip and cook $8.00 In this position you will be moved around into various positions within the restaurant. You will be paid accordingly to the position you work from day to day. Kitchen worker:duties include but are not limited to: learning menu, preparing food (cutting veggies, cooking/preparing hamburgers, other menu items), washing dishes, ice cream fountain,fryer station, cleaning. You must learn and perform them while working. Must speak and read English on an advanced level. Shirts are oxford style and short sleeved. You will be given the first set of your uniform. If you need to replace any part of your uniform, you must pay for each item. Hosting: Duties include but are not limited to: learning menu, seating customers, singing, dancing, cleaning. You must learn and perform them while working. Must speak and read English on advanced level. Your employer will give you a t-shirt to wear while working.



Team members help customers find desired goods or services. They answer questions, make purchase recommendations and explain the benefits of the goods or services. Once they have helped customers make a satisfactory selection, they add up the total purchases and complete the transactions.



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Programul Work And Travel îți oferă posibilitatea de a-ți face muți prieteni și amintiri frumoase, de a călători, lucra și experimenta cultura americană.


Dacă răspunzi cu “DA” la următoarele criterii, ești eligibil pentru a te înscrie la Programul Work And Travel:

1) Ești student la zi, la o Universitate?
2) Cunoști Engleza la nivel de comunicare, sau vrei să o înveţi?
3) Ești sănătos? poți călatori cu avionul, ești apt de muncă?


Felicitări, hai să continuăm, apasă butonul de mai jos![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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