Time used: ms
Job details
  • 390 $ Special**
  • 100$/weekly
  • in offices
  • No
  • 34
  • OJL , 21 Feb, 18:59, Bucuresti
  • Yes

Grand Summit Hotel at Attitash ( website)

In this position, students will work either as Room Attendants or Housemen. Positions will be assigned to students shortly after arrival base on the employer's needs. Students will lift, carry, walk, sit, push, pull and stand for the duration of their shift. Students assigned to a given position may not be required to perform all the responsibilities listed above on one given day, but must be flexible and willing to do any and all items listed above. The room attendant will share tips. No tips for houseman position.



Responsible for creating a good mood for hotel guests in recreation areas. You must provide information to guests; to release keys; to make reservations; answer phone calls, and so on. The position is a challenge, it includes various tasks and offers different opportunities. You will also communicate directly with hotel guests, who are from different regions, states, countries, socializing with them you have the chance to create friendships for life, to improve your English and get many impressions, related to the behavior and attitude of the various nationalities encountered.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Programul Work And Travel îți oferă posibilitatea de a-ți face muți prieteni și amintiri frumoase, de a călători, lucra și experimenta cultura americană.


Dacă răspunzi cu “DA” la următoarele criterii, ești eligibil pentru a te înscrie la Programul Work And Travel:

1) Ești student la zi, la o Universitate?
2) Cunoști Engleza la nivel de comunicare, sau vrei să o înveţi?
3) Ești sănătos? poți călatori cu avionul, ești apt de muncă?


Felicitări, hai să continuăm, apasă butonul de mai jos![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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