Time used: ms
Job details
  • 390 $ Special**
  • in the region around 125$/weekly
  • in offices
  • No
  • 32
  • OPL, 01 May, 17:49, Bucuresti
  • Yes

Grand Sierra Resort ( website)

Orientation and Start Date Instructions Start Date must be a Thursday to attend Orientation. Report to Human Resources by noon on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of your Orientation week. Paperwork takes 45 minutes. Arrive before noon on Wednesday or your orientation will be delayed by a week. Lifeguard Requirements and Responsibilities Must be an advanced swimmer, outgoing, friendly, approachable, and helpful. Provide constant visual surveillance of the pool and surrounding areas to ensure guest safety. Identify and react to safety risks or emergencies. Address rough play or running. Work outdoors in various weather conditions, including hot sun and light rain. Stand or sit in the sun for long periods. Emergency Response Duties Respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, assessing injuries and providing first aid or CPR. Follow American Red Cross emergency procedures, including water rescues. Customer Service and Cleanliness Handle customer complaints positively and proactively. Maintain pool cleanliness and adhere to all policies and procedures. Know hotel amenities and services to make guest recommendations. Attend all meetings for updates on rules and schedules. Training and Compliance Complete in-person training and certification to become a licensed lifeguard. Lifeguard License fee paid by the employer. Undergo random drug tests; failing results in termination and potential program jeopardy. Work Schedule and Flexibility Must be dependable, hardworking, friendly, trustworthy, and honest. Flexible to work all shifts, including holidays, nights, and weekends. Shifts and days off may not align with friends. Work hours are not guaranteed; expect variability in daily schedules. Additional Duties Assist guests, coworkers, or managers as needed. Perform all assigned opening, closing, and daily duties. Be flexible and ready to help in other positions as requested by management. Remember, you play a critical role in ensuring our guests' safety and enjoyment. Do not take this position for granted.



A lifeguard is responsible for the general supervision and safety of patrons of an aquatic facility by preventing and responding to emergencies. Lifeguards are superior swimmers who are able to give advice on water safety to patrons, conduct swift water rescues and control unruly behavior if necessary.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Programul Work And Travel îți oferă posibilitatea de a-ți face muți prieteni și amintiri frumoase, de a călători, lucra și experimenta cultura americană.


Dacă răspunzi cu “DA” la următoarele criterii, ești eligibil pentru a te înscrie la Programul Work And Travel:

1) Ești student la zi, la o Universitate?
2) Cunoști Engleza la nivel de comunicare, sau vrei să o înveţi?
3) Ești sănătos? poți călatori cu avionul, ești apt de muncă?


Felicitări, hai să continuăm, apasă butonul de mai jos![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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